Lines & Wrinkles

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Treating Lines and Wrinkles

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Everyone gets them at some point—lines and wrinkles are life’s pesky reminders that we’re getting older.

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But what happens when the face you see in the mirror doesn’t quite fit the still-youthful and energetic person you are on the inside? When a person finds a new line or wrinkle on his or her skin, it can leave the person feeling self-conscious and anxious to smooth away the signs of aging. With professional skin treatments, you can do exactly that and maintain younger-looking skin for years to come.

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The Solution?

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Contact us to book a consultation

Talking in-person will give us a better understanding of your needs. After a brief sit-down, we’ll recommend the best, most cost effective procedures for you.


Check out some of our procedures below

To get a better understanding of what services will help tackle your skin concerns, check our some of our technologies and treatments below.


Let’s do it!

You DON’T need to figure it out on your own. After a consultation, schedule an appointment and show up, we’ll do the rest!

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Age 56

Before Halo & BBL treatment

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Age 67

After Halo & BBL treatment

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We can do the same for you. Our Halo laser treatment by Sciton is a fast and effective way to reduce lines and wrinkles. You’ll notice results within the first few weeks. BBL and SkinPen Microneedling with PRP are additional ways to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Beautifying your face is a big decision though, and you don’t have to make it alone. Stop by our office at 11813 Bee Cave Road near Austin, TX for a FREE appointment. We’ll sit down with you discuss which treatment is right for your specific needs.

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Why does skin wrinkle?

Over time, our skin begins to develop lines and wrinkles due to several different factors. A gradual loss of elasticity, fat, muscle, bone, and collagen results in a loosening and falling of the skin which leads to the formation of these pesky signs of aging. Repetitive motion such as frowning or smiling, or pursing the lips with smoking or drinking from a straw will lead to lines that become permanent over time if the motion continues. Sun exposure throughout your lifetime is also a big contributing factor to aging of the skin. Harmful sun rays cause a breakdown of essential substances found in healthy skin and leads to what we call photo-aging. For this reason, women and men who tan regularly often experience facial lines and wrinkles at an earlier age.

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Smoothing away the signs of aging

If lines and wrinkles are getting in the way of you feeling like your youthful self, there are several treatments that can help restore smoother, firmer skin. From laser and light treatments to injectables and fillers, we have the wrinkle treatments you need to dramatically improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles with natural-looking results. Please click on one of the treatments below to learn how it can help put an end to your lines and wrinkles.
