
Written by: Katie Ladner, L.E


What is Dermaplaning and why you should be adding it to all of your facial services…

Dermaplaning is a skin treatment that uses an exfoliating blade to skim dead skin cells and hair from your face. Dermaplaning aims to make your skin’s surface smooth, youthful, and radiant. This treatment can help remove dead skin cells & unwanted “peach fuzz” the short, soft hairs on your face. This treatment can be used for any skin type and anyone with acne scars, dull skin, dry skin, sun-damaged skin and fine lines.
Adding on Dermaplaning to Chemical Peels, HydraFacial, Diamond glow, and Skin Pen will help remove the dead skin to make for better product penetration with whatever service your provider is doing for you. You will feel so smooth and even texture afterwards.

Next time you are booking your service don’t forget to add on Dermaplaning for an even better facial experience.

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