Skin Gym

Written by: Rebecca Marroquin, L.E

My years in the skincare industry has made me realize how much our skin is probably the most underrated organ we have. Yet we desire to have it looking forever flawless and youthful without ever putting much thought into how it works, often being led blindly into an abyss of lotions, potions and snake oils by major department stores and social media influencers.

What to look for? So, true skincare is designed to challenge your skin, not baby it. Just like the muscles in our body, in order to build we must tear them down by resistance training in order to build stronger healthy muscles. Our skin is no different. When we are young our skin is functioning at high levels of constantly repairing and producing all that bouncy collagen elasticity everything we desire as we age. A s we get older our skin functions start getting lazy and sleepy, this is when we must start “taking it to the gym”.

First, consult with a dermatologist or a professional skincare specialist. Much like a good gym trainer, the right specialist will create a program designed specifically for your skin concerns and goals this will include in office treatments such as chemical peel facials, lasers, etc. and a home regiment(should always include some retinoic acid, antioxidants, and protection) even tailored to budgets so nothing’s wasted.

Some of the best medical grade lines for these types of home regiment are ZO Health by Dr. Zen Obagi, Skin Better, and SkinMedica.( Cannot be found on Amazon) These products due to their potency are to be monitored by professionals and are only distributed by authorized facilities such as ours L Aesthetics and Longevity!

Most important is to be consistent and have patience. Your concerns didn’t get there overnight and won’t go away overnight either. In order to have your skin functioning as it did in your youth, healing itself on a daily basis you must stay committed to reap those long lasting benefits. Our bodies are made for this and we will get what we put into it.

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