Melasma Much??? Here’s how to Combat it!

By Rebecca Marroquin, L.E


Melasma is an aggressive form of hyperpigmentation that are medium to large light, medium or dark brown patches. This harmless, but burdensome condition has been found to target mostly women of ethnic backgrounds with more melanin production between the ages of 30-60. However, caucasian women have also been known to battle Melasma as well.


Melasma occurs in three location patterns (central face, cheekbone, and jawline). Melasma is caused partly by sun, genetic predisposition, and hormonal changes. . Melasma prevention requires sun avoidance and sun protection with hats and sunscreen.  Melasma flair-ups have also been known to happen when the body is exposed to uncontrolled and prolonged IR-A rays and other heat radiating environments such as hot yoga, saunas, even when not in direct sunlight.  

Once that overproduction of melanin occurs, it’s important to understand that when treating it is not a matter of getting rid of it completely but more of taking the proper measures to suppress those melanocytes from producing pigment.  This is due to the fact that melanocytes do have memory and will often flare up in the same areas when not being consistently suppressed.  


Like most anything when treating our bodies battling Melasma IS NOT a one time thing.  I have had many patients who have gone in for aggressive treatments, only to experience their Melasma come back sometimes even worse than before,  because they were under the impression that no homecare or preventative steps needed to be taken. This is false! 


  • Hydroquinone
  • Azelaic acid 
  • Kojic acid
  • Retinoids
  • Topical steroids
  • Glycolic acid
  • Mequinol
  • Arbutin
  • Keeping body at cool temperatures
  • No direct UVA/UVB/IR-A
  • Using high quality sunscreens that are multifunctional and contain antioxidants
  • Microneedling
  • Chemical Peels
  • Some lasers 

If you struggle with Melasma, we would love to have you in office and will customize a plan to help you combat this frustrating skin condition! 

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