Botox VS Dysport

Written by: Brielle Kirk, PA-C
   I’m sure you’ve heard of Botox by now, but there are some other neuromodulators out on the market that work similarly to Botox. Another popular one is called Dysport. They are similar but not the same, so I will differentiate the two for you to better understand!
First, let’s discuss Botox. Botox (OnabotulinumtoxinA) is the leading neuromodulator in the beauty industry and has been around the longest, since 2002 and sold by Allergan. It is made from Botulinum Toxin Type A, which is derived from the bacterium clostridium botulinum. This is what also causes Botulism (yikes) but of course Botox does NOT give you Botulism! The protein complex surrounding the toxin is large, 750 KD to be exact. This product works on nerves to block transmission of acetylcholine, which leads to muscle paralysis. One can usually see Botox start working in 3-7 days and should take full effect by 2 weeks. This is why we encourage 2 week follow ups if any issues need to be addressed. Botox typically lasts 3-4 months, although some people can metabolize it quicker.
Now, let’s get into Dysport (AbobotulinumtoxinA), which was released by Galderma in 2009. Like Botox, it is made from the same toxin and paralyzes the muscle in the same manner as described above; however, the proteins surrounding this toxin are of different size. They are considered medium sized in nature, using a combination of 500 KDs and 300 KDs. Dysport is supposed to have a faster onset than Botox. One should notice it taking effect after 2-3 days, with full effect by 5-7 days. Dysport claims that results should last around 5 months, although studies have shown that it lasts around the same length of time as Botox (3-4 months). Also, keep in mind that 1 unit of Botox is equivalent to ~3 units of Dysport. So, if switching from Botox to Dysport and it seems like you received more units after treatment with Dysport, it is because of this reason! Dysport is also slightly less expensive than Botox.
In our offices, we mainly use Botox. The providers here have not noticed a huge difference between the products enough to recommend Dysport over Botox, and Botox is by far the most popular, oldest, and most studied.
If you would like to receive Dysport, please call to schedule your appointment 1-2 weeks in advance and state that you would like to receive Dysport. That way, we have enough time to order the product for you! We look forward to hearing from you and treating you in our office!
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