How to get rid of your double chin without surgery

By: Melissa Miller, Body Contouring Specialist

When it comes to looking and feeling your best, there’s nothing quite like a double chin that can ruin your day. Caused by excess fat in the submental region, there are plenty of reasons why some people develop a double chin, including genetic reasons, weight gain, aging, etc. For some people, diet and exercise can help reduce the appearance of a double chin but, unfortunately, that isn’t a quick or effective solution for everyone. 

If you’re struggling with the appearance of a double chin, here are a few treatments that can reduce or even eliminate your double chin while defining your jawline and contributing to a more youthful appearance, all with minimal downtime. 




Kybella is an FDA-approved nonsurgical injectable treatment that is designed to reduce the appearance of a double chin. A synthetic version of deoxycholic a naturally-occurring substance that your body uses to digest fat, Kybella targets the fat cells under your chin, and the treatment itself is very simple. 

The process uses a series of deoxycholic acid injections that destroy the fat cells in the submental region, eliminating the cells’ ability to store or accumulate fat. Visible results can be achieved in as little as two to four treatments spaced a month apart, making Kybella a wonderful option for anyone who isn’t quite ready to consider a more invasive fat-reduction procedure like liposuction.




Another fantastic treatment that can help reduce the appearance of a double chin is a thread lift. A minimally-invasive procedure, thread lifts offer a subtle but visible improvement in skin laxity that produces instant results with little downtime. 

Using fully absorbable, FDA-approved surgical threads, the threads used for a thread lift have small tags on them that help latch onto superficial skin tissues. When the thread is pulled up, the skin and fat are pulled up to lift and tighten the treated areas, resulting in a subtle, natural-looking lift.




Coolsculpting, also known as cryolipolysis, is another procedure that can be used to reduce the appearance of a double chin. An FDA-approved non-invasive procedure, CoolSculpting Elite involves using a device that cools fat cells in targeted areas to a temperature that destroys the cells, all while leaving your skin and other tissues unharmed. A zero down time procedure, this is perfect for those wanting surgery like results without the downtime. Results can be seen in as little as 4 weeks with full transformation at 3-4 months. 

There’s no downtime involved in the process, and the risks are minimal. Results are seen after a few weeks as your body clears out the dead fat cells, and the final effects are typically revealed within three months.

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