Nano LaserPeel

Written by: Melissa Miller 



What is NanoLaserPeel?


Nothing shows age like our skin. If your skin looks dull and tired, you may be considering (or already doing) treatments like a chemical peel or microdermabrasion. These are treatments that use chemicals or abrasive materials to remove the top layer of the skin promoting new skin to grow from underneath.


The NanoLaserPeel from Sciton can do much more. It uses light energy to instantly remove the top layers of the skin at a depth that also accelerates the skin’s own renewal process by activating special messenger cells. Microdermabrasion and chemical peels often don’t get deep enough and other lasers leave a layer of heat-damaged cells that interrupt the ability of these messenger cells to communicate with deeper layers of skin. Only the NanoLaserPeel from Sciton has the precision to work at just the right depth, creating beautifully smooth, luminous skin.


Considered the “modern peel” because there no more chemicals, harsh grinds, or long appointments. This gentle laser peel instantly removes just the top layer of skin for beautiful results in a short period of time. It will reveal soft, silky skin and restore a fresh, youthful glow to your entire face. 


What conditions can be treated with the NanoLaserPeel?

  • Mild wrinkles
  • Scars
  • Keratosis
  • Sun damage (e.g., freckles)
  • Pigment irregularities


It’s as easy as 1,2,3

  • Make your appointment on Friday
  • Slight redness for just 1-2 days
  • Recover over the weekend
  • Show off on Monday!


If you are interested in talking to one of our providers about the NanoLaserPeel or any of our other services, call our office at 512-505-8645 to get a complimentary consultation scheduled.


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