Strawberry Lipo Laser

Written by: Melissa Miller 




Laser lipo, also known as laser liposuction or the strawberry laser, is an FDA-approved non-surgical, non-invasive cosmetic treatment that is an alternative to traditional liposuction. The procedure targets body fat through the application of a controlled laser to damage and shrink fat cells. 


During the procedure, paddles are placed against the skin, and a cold red laser beam is emitted through the skin and into the fatty layer underneath. After the laser hits the fatty tissue beneath the skin, it induces the creation of pores and the intracellular content is released and removed by the body’s own lymphatic system. The lymphatic system removes the fat through the liver and kidneys, where they are processed in the same way as fatty foods, the rest is passed out in the urine. At the same time, the laser stimulates the lymphatic system and helps tighten the tissue and skin. Surrounding tissues such as blood vessels, nerves and skin cells are unaffected by the procedure. Unlike some high-level lasers, the Strawberry lipo treatment is totally pain-free. It provides results without any pain or downtime associated with traditional liposuction



Advantages of the non-surgical laser lipo procedure include:

  • Painless and non-invasive
  • No restrictions or downtime
  • Performed in-office
  • Most patients will see a difference after their first treatment session
  • Can be used for both men and women
  • Uses the body’s natural mechanisms to help lose inches of fat


Laser lipo has been shown to significantly enhance the appearance of problem body areas, such as the abdomen, thighs, hips, waist, upper arms, and chin (although it is not limited to these particular areas). The recommended treatment protocol is 8 sessions in a four week period. 


Before you even have your laser lipo treatment, you should really consider making changes to your lifestyle, primarily, in terms of diet and exercise, that will ensure you keep your great new body shape.


Adopting key changes to both your diet and exercise routine aren’t the only changes that will provide enormous benefits post-treatment. Here are a few more recommendations:


  • Get 8 hours sleep a night
  • Hydrate properly by drinking 8 glasses of water a day
  • Learn about stress management
  • When the sun is shining outside, make sure you’re outside too but always use sunscreen!


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